Motivational AP Computer Science Principles tutor with interactive methods


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AP Computer Science Principles tutor


AP Computer Science Principles tutor - Rosamund Irwin

Bachelors degree



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Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Student Favorite
Highly rated by students for excellence
74 ratings

Score improvement within 8 weeks

Students report noticeable improvement in test scores.


Rated 4.9/5 for effective test prep

Parents see their children scoring higher with each exam.


Focus on timed practice and strategy

85% of students master time management through mock tests.

About your tutor

I specialize in teaching AP Computer Science Principles to college students. With over 4 years of experience, I focus on making complex concepts easy to understand through hands-on learning and real-world examples. My teaching style encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity, helping students succeed in their exams and build skills for future tech careers. I adapt my approach to each student’s pace and learning style, fostering confidence and mastery in computer science.


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Teaching methodology

My teaching approach for AP Computer Science Principles is centered around Integrity, Real-life examples and case studies, Flexibility, Creativity, and Compassion. I believe in teaching coding concepts with real-world applications, making them easier to understand and more engaging. I am flexible in my approach, adjusting to each students learning style and pace. Creativity is encouraged, allowing students to explore innovative solutions to problems. With compassion, I ensure students feel supported and confident in their learning journey. Additionally, I can teach related subjects like programming and algorithms to reinforce their skills.

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AP Computer Science Principles

AP Computer Science Principles

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