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Private tutor - Geetika Bhanjana
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About the tutor
Hi, I'm Geetika, a passionate and dedicated educator with a Master’s degree in Chemistry, where I secured 1st rank in my university. I completed my graduation from Delhi University and am currently pursuing a B.Ed. to further enhance my teaching skills. With 1 year of experience, I have been teaching Science, Mathematics, and Chemistry to students, helping them build strong conceptual foundations. I also run my own coaching center, G.Chemistry, where I provide personalized guidance to students aiming for academic excellence. If you're looking for an engaging and result-oriented learning experience, I'm here to help! Let’s make learning easy and interesting together. Book a free demo session now!
Exam prep
Homework help
Test prep
Assignment help
Grade improvement
Concepts learning
University admissions
Teaching methodology
As a versatile tutor specializing in various levels of chemistry, I pride myself on my creative and supportive teaching methodology. I evaluate each student's grasp of core concepts and use interactive experiments to enhance their understanding. It's wisely said that chemistry is better understood if we relate it to general life. The examples given by me will really make you laugh and the learning will be fun. By providing constructive criticism and specific suggestions for improvement, I help students grow and succeed. I customize the learning experience to make science engaging and relatable, aiming to motivate and inspire students of all ages and levels in their academic journey.
Student types
All Levels
Adult / Professional
Learning Disabilities
Interactive lessons
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Note taking
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