Collaborative AP English lessons with practical problem solving


AP English Language and Composition tutor - Tess Humes

Bachelors degree


/ hour


Quick homework help and support

85% of students receive homework assistance on time.


Rated 4.9/5 for language progress

Parents report noticeable improvement in their child’s fluency.


Interactive lessons for reading and writing

Students engage in real-world exercises to improve writing and reading.

About your tutor

Hey there, I'm Tess Humes, an English tutor with a passion for helping students excel in ACT Reading, AP English Language and Composition, AP English Literature and Composition, and English. With my Bachelor's degree specializing in English Language and Literature, I believe in a student-centered teaching philosophy that fosters engagement through interactive lessons and personalized learning strategies tailored to individual student needs. Join me in exploring the world of English together!


Test prep icon

Test prep

Great for advanced icon

Great for advanced

Homework help icon

Homework help

Great for intermediate icon

Great for intermediate

Language learning icon

Language learning

Teaching methodology

As a tutor specializing in ACT Reading, AP English Language and Composition, and AP English Literature and Composition, I work with students at all levels to support their learning journey. My teaching style is supportive, problem-solving, engaging, collaborative, and practical. I believe in helping students excel in literature analysis and writing skills, which are essential for academic success and beyond. I make use of e-books with annotations, interactive grammar tools, and multimedia resources to enhance learning. Together, we work on reading comprehension, writing skills, literary competitions, and even aim to get students' work published in school and local publications. Join me in exploring the world of English literature and language!

Student types

School icon


College icon


All Levels icon

All Levels

Adult / Professional icon

Adult / Professional

ADHD icon


ASD icon


Learning Disabilities icon

Learning Disabilities

Anxiety or Stress Disorders icon

Anxiety or Stress Disorders

Home schooled icon

Home schooled

Interactive lessons

Record lessons icon

Record lessons

Note taking icon

Note taking

Pets are welcomed icon

Pets are welcomed

Parent feedback icon

Parent feedback

Open Q&A icon

Open Q&A

Smart teaching tools

Presentations image


Practice worksheets image

Practice worksheets

Grammar practice image

Grammar practice

Writing prompts image

Writing prompts

Phonetic drills image

Phonetic drills

Subjects taught by tutor

ACT Reading

ACT Reading

AP English Language and Composition

AP English Language and Composition

AP English Literature and Composition

AP English Literature and Composition



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