Creative AP Calculus lessons with hands-on approach

AP Calculus AB tutor - ruchi dahiya
Bachelors degree
/ hour
Proven strategies for exam success
90% of students say strategies boosted their confidence.
Support beyond regular classes
Parents appreciate timely help during stressful exam times.
Personalized study plans for success
90% of students feel their plan is tailored to their needs.
About your tutor
I am an experienced math graduate with a Master's degree and deep knowledge of mathematical subjects and passionate about teaching mathematics. With experience as teaching assistant and a math tutor I love to share my knowledge and skills to help students learn, grow and foster a deeper understanding of mathematics.
Score improvement
Homework help
Test prep
Teaching methodology
I am dedicated to dynamic tutoring. Passionate about simplifying complex concepts and nurturing a love for math. Personalized approaches catered to individual learning styles for optimal results. Join me in a journey of mathematical discovery to elevate understanding and confidence.
Student types
Adult / Professional
All Levels
Home schooled
Subjects taught by tutor
AP Calculus AB
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