Engaging Data Analysis & Statistics lessons with practical support

Statistics tutor - Ana M
Bachelors degree
/ hour
Rated 5 stars consistently
Students appreciate how lessons simplify complex coding concepts.
Paired coding for effective learning
90% of students benefit from collaborative lessons.
Interactive debugging sessions
Students debug and improve their own code in real-time.
About your tutor
I have a Bachelor's Degree in Business Statistics and a post-grad degree in Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences (Economics and Politics) from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver Canada, where I currently work on research. Working in a university environment, I have a great understanding of academic procedures, grading systems and professors' expectations, which I'm applying in my teaching techniques. I am a big data and research nerd! I have vast experience in applying statistical analysis, econometrics methods and data programming (R and Python) to real-world problems. Thus, my teaching style is somewhat creative. To make sure you fully understand the core subject concepts and feel 100% ready for assignments, we will be learning by applying course concepts to real-world issues.
Assignment help
Data visualization
Data engineering
Machine learning
Predictive modeling
AI development
Teaching methodology
I have 2 years of tutoring experience, and I prefer to teach Colledge and University students. My areas of expertise: - Statistics (Introductory, Probability, Simple & Multi Regressions, Hypothesis Testing, Linear Models, Data visualization and tools) - R and Python (Intro, Data Analysis) - Econometrics and Economic Analysis - Political Theory and Public Policy. I help students prepare for mid-terms, and exams, and also assist with their assignments, homework and essays. My past students appreciated highly my well-structured approach, which makes overwhelming course materials easy to digest. I am also happy to help and welcome any students with neurodivergence!
Student types
Subjects taught by tutor
Data Analysis
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