Hands-on Python lessons with problem-solving techniques


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Python tutor


Python tutor - Kiran Chemmanatte

Bachelors degree


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Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Star Tutor
Highly skilled & top-rated
50 ratings

Quick assignment help

90% of students get assignment support within 24 hours.


Debugging and problem-solving focus

85% of students improve debugging skills.


Proven success with code projects

85% of students complete personal projects in a few months.

About your tutor

I completed my bachelor's in engineering at IIT Guwahati and am pursuing my master's in Robotics and Data Science in Melbourne. Previously I worked as a Computer Vision engineer back in India and have strong programming skills in Python. Moreover, at many points in my life, I take up mentoring positions to help other students, teach them core concepts taught in class, and help them understand the topic in depth.


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Assignment help

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Job readiness

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Great for beginners

Teaching methodology

I offer tutoring sessions on Python to students of all ages. I can take classes covering a whole concept or just a class answering questions and solving problems supporting the student. My main aim is to teach the intuition and the reasoning behind the core concepts such that it clicks in the head of the student.

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