AP Calculus tutoring with an engaging and practical approach

AP Calculus AB tutor - Brigitta Ramos
Bachelors degree
/ hour
Rated 5 stars for test prep
Students report improved scores with every practice.
Rated 4.9/5 for effective test prep
Parents see their children scoring higher with each exam.
Focus on timed practice and strategy
85% of students master time management through mock tests.
About your tutor
Analytical, Problem Solver, and Dedicated are just three words I would use to describe myself. I have a bachelor's degree in Economics and a minor in Data Science. I have been tutoring at my university for close to two years. I love tutoring any topics on economics, finance, math, data science, excel, statistics, machine learning, and chemistry.
Homework help
Test prep
Score improvement
Teaching methodology
I tutor based on the students' needs. If a student needs help with an assignment, I'll work through the problems with them and help them gain the skills needed to excel in their assignments. If a student needs help understanding concepts, I'll explain, breakdown, and give real-world examples until the student shows understanding. If a student needs tips or advice on how to excel in a class I'll help them strategically plan how to learn and study so that they can efficiently gain the knowledge needed for success.
Student types
Home schooled
Subjects taught by tutor
AP Calculus AB
AP Statistics
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