AP Calculus & Statistics with a hands-on approach

AP Calculus AB tutor - ARYAN PARITOSH
Bachelors degree
/ hour
Proven strategies for exam success
90% of students say strategies boosted their confidence.
Support beyond regular classes
Parents appreciate timely help during stressful exam times.
Personalized study plans for success
90% of students feel their plan is tailored to their needs.
About your tutor
Hello, I'm Aryan Paritosh, an experienced tutor passionate about mathematics, statistics, and programming. With expertise in advanced mathematical concepts like linear algebra, real analysis, abstract algebra, topology, and calculus, I'll guide you with clarity and confidence. In the realm of statistics, I'll be your ally, assisting with hypothesis testing, regression analysis, data visualization, and building a strong statistical foundation. Additionally, I'm well-versed in R and Python, helping you with coding, data manipulation, and statistical programming. Minitab and advanced Excel are my go-to tools for extracting insights, statistical modeling, and creating captivating visualizations. Together, we'll excel in these fields!
Score improvement
Test prep
Homework help
Teaching methodology
My teaching strategies are based on the students' requirements as each student's learning requirements are different. Generally, I explain every concept in the most simplified way I can, and I am also keen on listening to the students' doubts and providing clarifications to them. I try to keep my students as engaged in class discussions as I can. I also assist them with their assignments, homework, and test preparation.
Student types
Adult / Professional
All Levels
Home schooled
Subjects taught by tutor
AP Calculus AB
AP Precalculus
AP Statistics
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