AP Calculus and Statistics made interactive and engaging

AP Calculus AB tutor - Abhiram Sripat
Bachelors degree
/ hour
Rated 5 stars for test prep
Students report improved scores with every practice.
Support beyond regular classes
Parents appreciate timely help during stressful exam times.
Flexible scheduling for exam prep
90% of students find scheduling sessions stress-free.
About your tutor
I have a bachelors and masters degree in Physics. I also have specialized degree in tutoring. I have been in the field of teaching for about 4 years, and I have tutored 500+ school students on Physics. I do believe that I have a good understanding of the subject and possess strong analytical skills. I am also efficient in dealing with students studies and making lesson plans. I always keep myself updated with the latest teaching methods.
Score improvement
Test prep
Homework help
Teaching methodology
My tutoring sessions are highly aligned with the academic needs of the students. I explain each concept in detail with valid examples Along with the tutoring sessions. My Math tutoring sessions are mostly for students in school, and the lesson plans are prepared based on the academic needs of the students. In the last 2 years of tutoring, I have tutored about 100 students. I also help my students with their assignments and homework.
Student types
Home schooled
Subjects taught by tutor
AP Calculus AB
AP Statistics
Free lesson slots
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