AP Calculus with a practical and problem-solving approach
AP Calculus AB tutor - Dona John
Bachelors degree
/ hour
Proven strategies for exam success
90% of students say strategies boosted their confidence.
Strong parent endorsements
Rated highly by parents for effective exam preparation.
Focus on timed practice and strategy
85% of students master time management through mock tests.
About your tutor
I have done my Masters in Math from Christ University Bangalore. Working as a mathematics teacher and content developer. I have provided personalized tutoring to many AP students in Calculus.
Score improvement
Homework help
Test prep
Teaching methodology
When it comes to my teaching approach, I like to create a student-centered learning environment that fosters engagement, critical thinking, and active participation. I believe in a holistic approach that combines various instructional strategies to cater to diverse learning styles and abilities. To promote deeper understanding, I incorporate real-life examples and encourage students to connect their prior knowledge with new concepts. I regularly assess student progress through formative assessments, quizzes & projects to provide timely feedback and identify areas for improvement.
Student types
All Levels
Adult / Professional
Home schooled
Subjects taught by tutor
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
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