victoria-rose-00009 – I am currently ranked in the top 1% of my class by Victoria

By Victoria Rose Johnson on Nov 10, 2023

Everyday life is full of challenges and setbacks but never should be looked upon as a failure. Without challenges, how are we meant to evolve and grow into the human beings we are today? Setbacks should be looked upon as a learning opportunity and a gauge on how to handle life’s next challenge but only a failure if nothing is learned or accomplished from these experiences. One example of a challenge and setback I personally faced in my life was dealing with the symptoms, diagnosis, and living with ADHD.

When I was in fifth grade, a parent teacher conference was called due to me fidgeting very often in class. My teacher had complained that my incessant movements were distracting to the other students and herself. At one point, they even gave me a special seat cushion to sit on at my desk so the class wouldn’t hear me rocking around in my seat. On multiple occasions, I was held back after class for detention due to impulsive behavior like forgetting to raise my hand and just blurting out answers.

My parents were at a loss on how to correct this issue. They didn’t think it was caused by lack of discipline, so they sought out different reasons for my lack of self-control and focus. They first took me to have my eyes checked and discovered I was near sighted and needed glasses, but glasses didn’t fix everything addressed in the conference. Second, they had me tested for ADHD and discovered that ADHD also could be affecting some of my lack of ability to sit still and focus. I was soon started on ADHD medications, and I have also worked on self-control exercises to help me within the classroom setting. Since the fifth grade, I have experienced multiple medication changes due to my growth and development. I still have to see a medical professional every three months to regulate my medication for the best outcome and control of my symptoms.

ADHD has affected my life in many different ways. Before my ADHD diagnosis, I was labeled as a trouble maker or one who continually gets detention. Since my diagnosis, I am now more focused and labeled as an outgoing, smart student. I am currently ranked in the top 1% of my class. I have also been more involved in extra-curricular activities such as Robotics, Scholar’s Bowl, and Drama.

This ongoing challenge has taught me that sometimes you might need to seek out professional help for some challenges that you will face in life and not everything has a quick fix. Although medication is an aid in helping me deal with my symptoms of ADHD, it is not the only answer. Like everything in life, it takes effort to discover what works best for the challenge you are facing at that time. It has also taught me that you should not be ashamed or consider it a failure if you need to seek out help with a challenge no matter how big or small it might seem.

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