The No Study, No Worry Paradox by Nicholas Alan Hazeslip

By Nicholas Alan Hazeslip on Apr 13, 2024

Throughout life we find ourselves faced with several different tests, whether they be brawns or brains related, and some may not be as defining as tests such as the American College Test, Scholastic Aptitude Test, or for some it may even be the exam administered to be granted citizenship in the United States. These were all examples of standardized tests, a test that is administered in a “standard” manner and has a predetermined way it will be graded, however, when someone mentions they are taking a standardized test there is always this sense of horror. But why? Over generations of students, like evolution, we have seemingly developed a fear of failing these such tests, whether it be for fear of failing or just not wanting to prepare or take the test. However, for me tests have always been easy, but I don’t study… so how can that be? See its this almost paradoxical correlation I have begun to ponder, because when I prepare for tests and stress about studying, I don’t do as well as if I had just relaxed the night before. I was always taught in school that if you wanted to pass your exams that you “better study really hard”, but that isn’t necessarily the truth and sometimes students actually suffer from what I’d like to call study-itis. Study-itis is almost like a puppeteer as it takes over the victim’s life, almost like a puppeteer controlling a marionette doll, forcing them to study countless hours and suffer from things such as: sleep deprivation, lacking confidence, and extreme stress. To those who suffer from study-itis I would recommend my five-step method to preparing for the test. First, front load yourself. Put in the work during class whether it be participating in discussions or doing the examples in class. Secondly, ask questions. No questions are stupid other than the ones you aren’t asking. In class I am often laughed at for some of the questions or comparisons I might make, but that is just how my brain’s synapses make those connections stay relevant in my head. Next, make a positive connection with class and the material. For a lot of people, they hate chemistry, but as stated before, I make fun and interesting connections with properties and laws to remember them, and that is the same with grammar rules, math, and even other sciences. Fourthly, relax. Don’t stress because it will drive you nuts and make you test poorly. Lastly, be confident. You don’t see Spartans crying before they fought? So why would you not be confident taking a test that probably won’t have too much to do with your surviving life. Confidence is key, even if you must fake it. Truthfully, I do not deserve the ACT grade I got, but I was confident that my skills were good, and they carried me through it. See everyone thinks to pass you must study but truthfully that is the real paradox because they conflict. People who over-study are burnt out and often fail. Therefore, what I do that may seem like a paradoxical method is actual much more efficient and effective.

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