AI, a Student’s Best Friend by Mathew Jesus Rodriguez

By Mathew Jesus Rodriguez on Dec 09, 2023

As technology advances in the world, AI appears as though it may take over the world. No I do not mean killer robots who look to rule the world, I mean AI will eventually integrate itself into everyday life as it develops. One of the prime ways AI is finding influence in human life is through studying. As a student myself, AI has made my methods of studying incredibly easier and quicker; AI has irresistible value in its accessibility and rapidity which students, like myself, have been sensible in utilizing.

AI has done wonders to make studying leagues easier for students who harness its power. Sites like ChatGPT have made looking for information an absolute breeze with the only hurdle a user needs to jump through is asking simple questions. When I wanted to learn how to program as I thought I might want to be a programmer, I had no idea of where to go to start out my programming journey. I spent literal hours scouring websites that promised free programming courses just for them to end up trying to scam me with credit card sign-ups. After being incredibly frustrated with my search results, I tried out ChatGPT for the first time to aid my hunt; Immediately I was treated to 7 different websites and the advantages/disadvantages of their programming curriculums, all of which were completely free. The hours I spent slaving away at trying to find a free programming curriculum was solved with one simple question on ChatGPT. Students can easily find whatever information they need untainted by the malicious intent of many scamming websites. ChatGPT has the power of creating lists and providing sources otherwise indeterminable by the masses of information on the internet just like my experience looking for a programming curriculum.

AI has been able to make studying lightning quick with its versatile and simple nature. Sites like ChatGPT make the process for finding information dramatically faster. ChatGPT acts like a teacher to most students where it replies to questions according to what the users need. Instead of having to ask the teacher what the student wants during office hours, class or for an email back from the teacher, the student can ask anytime and get responses in mere seconds; I personally have had a multitude of trouble with my calculus class but each time I need a specific question answered that a teacher could only answer, ChatGPT can usually solve it with surprising accuracy and agility. Students do not need to use google for sources of research since ChatGPT can provide it, saving the hassle of diving into the depths of the internet for hours to never find what the student needed in the first place.

ChatGPT will mark a new evolution of education, moving past the traditional methods of teaching; an era where students are shown to teach themselves using ultra simple technology, specifically AI, instead of a teacher needing to guide the students’ every step. AI will not completely take over traditional teaching methods but instead make students less dependent on face-to-face instruction; AI would integrate itself into the student’s arsenal of learning methods which results in a stronger and well rounded student.

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