It All Begins With the Practice Test by Lauren Gilmore

By Lauren Gilmore on Apr 13, 2024

When approaching a standardized exam like the ACT or SAT, while a book can be helpful, one should prioritize getting practice tests. Practice tests tell one what one knows and does not know, allowing a concentrated focus on specific topics for review. If the book is the first place to look, then where to begin and what to study can become confusing, and if one studies everything, it is not only inefficient but prevents one from mastering anything. Therefore, the best approach is to work outwards from a practice exam and what one knows to the books, and other resources, to learn what one does not know.

Once one has taken the practice test, mark the incorrect questions and identify the concept names, usually stated in the answer section. From here, one can utilize their available resources (khan academy, books, YouTube). Khan academy, for instance, not only has practice tests for the SAT but also has short videos and practices for math and English concepts. However, these are numerous, so it is more efficient to first narrow the list to what one does not know. Wrong questions also allow one who has no list of certain concepts to research online or in a library the correct method of solving or application.

After the incorrect questions have been reviewed, take a different practice test. It is important to not only take another practice test, but a different one, because it allows the individual to apply new skills and check for other concepts that may need review. Repeat this process as it fills in any holes in knowledge and prepares the individual to take the exam in a similar environment (if one has been taking the practice exams according to regulations such as time limits). Doing so at least three times, while it is better to do it as many as one is able, enables one to review concepts to a degree that one is at least familiar with how to solve most problems of the exam while being skilled in others. Another piece of advice is to focus on what one is skilled at. Whether it is math, English, etc., the more skilled topic tends to be picked up faster and the knowledge is retained on a greater and deeper scale. Remember that standardized tests’ overall score is influenced by the parts, so if one focuses on what they are better at they may score higher overall than if they focus on something they have less knowledge in. And vice versa, if one focuses on an area of struggle, they may learn more about that area, but progress inefficiently and learn less than if the focus was on an area of expertise. That is not to say to ignore a section entirely, reviewing is important and will help one improve, however, managing time when it is limited can prove to be beneficial overall.

Therefore, the prime method of studying for a standardized test is to move from narrow to broad, while managing time and environment. Start with a practice test and find what needs to be improved, reviewing using resources best for the individual. Work outwards over the course of numerous practice tests while maintaining a test taking environment (including time limits) to prepare for the actual tests’ content and structure. Finally, put more time on the areas one is skilled at, so that one can master them and have secured questions to bring up the overall score. To ace a standardized exam, one needs to know what they do and do not understand, and that begins with the practice test.

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