Simple Studying by Katalina Martinez

By Katalina Martinez on May 11, 2024

When it came to my school work I didn’t really have strategies to boost my GPA up. All I mainly did was choose my classes and made sure I got good grades. But when I think about it, depending on certain classes or topics in class I had to study for, were tests or benchmarks. The classes were usually science, history, and engineering so I had notes along with reviews for me to study over. The other classes like English, math, and languages were just when I saw how it worked, how it’s solved, or what it means. I was usually able to remember it but then other times I would just have to study.

To be more precise when I say “study” I mean just looking over my notes, reading some definitions, and finding what certain dates, people, events or geographical features were or meanings. The reviews were basically like the test because that’s how the teachers had set it up so I would choose my answers first then the class would go over it for the right answers and in the end I would just memorize the questions and answers which is how I would remember what they were. There is also me just hearing it once and if it’s interesting enough I would remember it but if not then I was basically on a countdown before I forgot. A third studying strategy is when someone is saying something and I repeat it in my head I would be able to remember but then sometimes it also wouldn’t work. The last strategy is skimming through the text to find interesting facts or the answer. Any other strategy I try is a bit of a struggle for me to get a hold of because I’m relearning how to memorize the information I am taking.

Studying this way helped me keep my GPA up and graduated high school with a 3.8. Now when I start college I would have to change my studying ways to reading the text and highlighting the important things to help me remember the important things. As well as some other new ways of studying while still using the same strategies that work for me. Which might help me remember certain information to keep my GPA high or higher than my high school GPA. I know there will be a lot of studying in my future but I know I can make it. I would try a whole bunch of studying strategies to help me memorize my work to keep getting good grades and having a high GPA.

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