Preparing for Graduate Success: A Strategic Approach by Jefferson Yang
By Jefferson Yang on May 11, 2024
My journey into graduate studies commences in the fall of 2024. While awaiting the arrival of the fall semester, I am diligently preparing myself for the challenges that lie ahead. Although achieving a perfect 4.0 GPA may seem daunting, it is certainly within reach with the right approach. To accomplish this, I am committed to shedding my ineffective habits and adopting a more academically focused mindset.
Reflecting on my undergraduate experience, I recognize the shortcomings in my study routine. I often procrastinated, cramming for exams at the last minute and addressing homework only on weekends. Seeking assistance from study groups and professors was sporadic, and my focus was solely on obtaining my degree, neglecting valuable opportunities to engage with faculty and participate in academic events that could have facilitated connections with prominent companies in Wisconsin.
Returning to graduate school presents an opportunity for me to deepen my knowledge in Computer Science and surpass the performance of my undergraduate years. I intend to establish a structured routine by previewing lecture materials beforehand and preparing questions for class to enhance engagement and comprehension. Additionally, completing homework assignments prior to lectures and revisiting them afterward will afford me valuable insights into areas requiring further clarification, thus improving my grasp of complex topics and performance in assessments.
As an aspiring graduate student, I am committed to fostering closer relationships with my professors, recognizing the potential benefits for my future career prospects. Regularly attending office hours to seek guidance on assignments, exams, and course content, as well as utilizing support services such as Student Success, will be integral to my academic success. These resources, including tutoring and skill development programs, will complement my efforts to excel academically.
Furthermore, I am determined to shift my mindset towards a more purpose-driven approach. With a profound passion for my field of study and a desire to make a meaningful impact, coupled with the support of my loved ones, I am motivated to excel in my graduate studies. My overarching goal is to become an expert in my field and a trusted professional within the community.
By replacing ineffective habits with more efficient ones, I am confident that I will enhance my ability to retain information, excel in assessments, and forge meaningful connections within my field. I eagerly anticipate embarking on this journey and am grateful for the support of institutions like Wiingy in my pursuit of future success.