What I Know I’m Capable Of by Colton Russell Erlandson

By Colton Russell Erlandson on Jul 10, 2024

Summer plans can be like a New Year’s Resolution in many ways. You envision so much time coming where you make the most of every minute, but then that time actually comes around, and it’s not what you imagined it would look like, or you simply get lazy or put it off, so those resolutions never come true. This has been my case or the past 11 summers I can remember, but not this year, I’ve got other plans. This summer I plan on getting a head start on my education, becoming more disciplined, working, and deepening the bonds with my friends.
I’ve never been the best student. I have a pretty good base level of intelligence, so studying hard was never something I wanted to do. I always was able to put stuff off and make it work, so why change? Except in this past year, I’ve seen what my procrastination cost me. Scholarships, GPA, friends, everything because I sat in my room, doing nothing productive, sitting in this cycle that I knew wasn’t good for me. But, with college, especially joining the Corps of Cadets at A&M University, I see a brand new beginning for myself. Well, I’ve read that “The best way to get ahead is to get started”, so that’s what I’m going to do. I’ve emailed my future professors and I have found online courses for subjects like math and science, so I have vowed to learn as much as I can about coding in Python and college level chemistry, and refreshing my Calculus skills. Plus this will be the first summer where I intentionally practice the trombone and get better.
I also plan on building my discipline, which includes going to the gym and having a consistent sleep schedule. This regimented routine will help me prepare for the responsibilities in life and will give me an opportunity to feel better about myself, physically and mentally. I’m thinking about trying to go with friends.
Speaking of friends, I have spent summers away from friends usually, not making the effort to plan events with them. But this year, I feel that I truly have close friends that I care for, and I want to carry that momentum through this summer to better learn how to care for others that are close with me and make more of an effort for the social things I want.
Lastly, I want to make some money continuing my freelance yard work business, Wildcat Yard Services. I have built up some clientele, and I would like to grow as a business to earn some money towards my tuition. I have found that yard work is a great fit for me personally. I get to be my own boss, choose my schedule, and learn valuable skills. Time management, giving quotes, client relations, communication skills, and many other skills are all things that being in the yard business has taught me, and I can apply it to my personal life. Everyday, my goal is to get at least one job by going door-to-door, as I have found that to be the most consistent way to get clients.
Overall, the recurring theme this summer is to take this opportunity to do the things I always tell myself I should do, and be the person I know I can be. I have always told myself “Next year or semester will be my time to reset” yet it has never happened. That ends this summer.

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