High school can sometimes get rocky, and I’m not always very good at every subject at my school. During my sophomore year of high school, I decided that I was going to graduate high school early. This was a risky decision for me because it could affect my GPA, possibly lowering it if I didn’t do well on my extra courses, considering I was going to be doing harder courses and have a heavy workload. Graduating early meant I had to take night classes, so I spent most of my time at my school.
When I first started night school, I was worried about how I would have time to complete school homework from my regular school day, which is a big percentage of my overall grade. Quickly, I figured out a way to keep everything balanced. I did this by staying in the library after school, and in between that 1-hour period before night school started, I would do as much homework as I possibly could, and I repeated this every day until my last day of night school.
This worked out for me because it kept my school grades good and my night school grades good, which kept my GPA at a place where I was satisfied with it while also increasing it. I then had to take summer online classes for more credits with new material I had never seen before with ansychronus learning, which was very challenging for me because I am a hands-on learner. While taking these online courses, I was also working a job, which was sort of a lot on my shoulders, but I kept a positive mindset. The new courses I took were Spanish 2 and chemistry.
Chemistry was the most challenging for me. I finished my chemistry course with a C, which knocked my GPA down. There was nothing I could do about that, so I accepted my loss. I decided that for the upcoming school year, I was going to try my best to keep an A average to bring my GPA back up. This school year, I have mostly kept an A average with a few B’s in there because mathematics is my weakest skill in school. I can say that as the school year comes to an end and I am now two weeks from graduation, I have shown strong resilience when it comes to keeping my GPA at a good level.