Conquering the world of AP by Aman Batth

By Aman Batth on May 11, 2024

Some strategies I used to boost my GPA were to take honors and AP classes in order to help myself get a GPA boost when I got an A. My mistake, however, was to assume that it would not take much more work to get an A in an AP class rather than an at grade level class. There’s a big difference in the coursework and rigorous materials. AP helps you establish so many study habits in order to not only pass the class, but also pass the AP test at the end of the year. These study habits help me maintain my GPA throughout high school and help me excel in all my classes. In my junior year, I was balancing AP, US history, AP biology, and AP language along with taking honors pre-calculus. Due to taking so many high-level courses I had a lot of rigorous work that needed to be done, I was also part of two varsity sports so time management was my biggest friend. Time management is one of my biggest strategies to help me boost my GPA. However, when I was not able to manage my time correctly, I would end up having to stay up late in order to finish my work and study for my test. One day I stayed up until one in the morning trying to study for an AP US history test. My body was so stressed from the lack of sleep in the morning that my mind went completely blank during the actual test, and I got a 50. So I do not recommend cramming or attempting to push your body past its limits in order to try to boost your GPA, because in the end, it most likely will catch up to you. Another strategy to help me boost. My GPA was maintaining a work life balance. I learned my sophomore year that throwing myself completely would not help me with my GPA since my body would constantly be so overwhelmed from the stress I was putting on myself. So, my junior year I decided to join more extracurriculars in order to help myself maintain more of a social life while actively maintaining my GPA through the rigorous courses I was taking. This helped me truly succeed, since it not only helped me to boost my GPA but also helped me have so many extracurriculars to put on my college applications. One thing to help me boost my GPA my senior year was taking work experience, work experience as a class where you get graded on having a job and being able to professionally represent yourself in a workplace. If you were able to keep up with the work, and continuously, maintain the hours needed for the course, you were basically guaranteed an A. taking classes that help me get an a even if it is a class that does not boost my GPA helps me balance out my workload so I can Focus on the classes that need my most attention, which has helped me have more time to study for test and finish course work.

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