Learn to the Test by Aisling Fionn Lister

By Aisling Fionn Lister on Apr 13, 2024

Ah, standardized tests, the bane of every student’s existence. It always feels like that they aim to measure a student’s test-taking ability, not competence in the subject. Indeed, that is exactly what they do, so you have to study to the test, not the subject.

So where do you begin? It depends on the situation. If you’re in a class catered to that test, pay close attention in class, as the teacher likely has experience with the test, and knows what study methods will work. However, if you’re not enrolled in a class specifically for the test, you’ll need to do some self-teaching. Start your studies by finding out what topics will be covered on the test, usually found on the test provider’s website. Do this early, so you have the most time to study. Once you know what will be on the exam, look into how the exam is scored, and how to maximize points. For example, on an AP Calculus Exam points are awarded for writing the correct formula, without needing the answer. By knowing what the scorers look for, you can ensure that you get points even if you have no idea how to solve the problem.

Once you know the basics of the test, learn the material covered on the exam, which will usually be broken down into units or sections. Self-teach or supplement schooling using free digital resources, like the CollegeBoard website, Khan Academy, or test prep YouTube videos. Once you feel confident in a unit, take a practice test. You can typically find these online, or your teacher may have some, so be sure to ask. Review the test once you’ve taken it, focusing on weak areas and how it is scored.

If you have friends taking the same test as you, study with them. Each of you can find resources individually and then pool them so everyone has greater access to necessary study materials. Additionally, you’ll have a support group that can answer questions or clarify confusing areas. Teaching is the most effective way to memorize content, so it can also be helpful to answer questions because you will remember the answer better. Involving others will also allow greater variety in study methods, as each student can introduce the group to what works best for them.

The night before the test, relax. Get at least eight hours of sound sleep, content with the knowledge that you are as prepared as possible. I’m sure you’ll do great.

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