AI got to be prominently in use this year mainly, maybe in February or March as far as I remember. After a long development phase finally it came into being as a saviour for many students, businesses, organizations and individuals.
This AI craze started differently for each person, some may even be out of reach of this modern time gift of technology though some present it as something scary. With a pang of great sadness in my heart for those underprivileged people, I should say that AI and its governance are in our hands and we should handle this blessing as a blessing and use it wisely for the betterment of the planet to think broadly.
Today’s topic is “How study was and is now after AI” and I am briefly documenting my thoughts on this in terms of my country and my access to this facility. Firstly, before AI was here I used to write things in the book during the study sessions as a note-taking process so that whenever I open the page again I get the information worth noting at a glance. I also used to section an A4 size paper into two, the left section with the space of the right section’s 2.5 times as I took notes and wrote new words and jargon at the right of the page and stapled those together by topics and chapters. Studying was solely dependent on books, lecture notes, and teacher’s advice with some crucial help from YouTube, and Google. If stuck on any topic I used to search for it on Google first to get an overview of the topic or the matter. Then, I YouTube for further understanding with the visual appearance of the topic for imagining properly while studying which I still do for scientific matters, equation derivations, machine understanding etc. Some topics are better described in books like financial explanations, personal finance, ancient books etc. which are also becoming easy to understand and grasp with the help of the internet and search engines as we get to compare and listen to different perspectives of others. One thing apart from all these is literature which is best on paper though.
Okay, let me spot on how study became after AI. One thing that has surely changed is the part of a teacher. AI models like Chat GPT, Google Bard, and Microsoft Bing allow students to have human-like interactions with the bot that come up with accurate information searching the whole web nearly each time someone asks it a question, even with an apology if it cannot provide an answer. It has made it so easy to understand things that these language models need just proper prompting and some keystrokes. The next thing it did to study in a better way is that students can summarize large PDF files and read the gist of the book to understand what the book or article is about. Students can also upload PDF files and ask questions to that PDF’s reference only like an interaction with a robot friend in a book or article which helps them solve complex problems that require somewhat understanding of the topic. One last thing I should mention is that AI is helping students write essays effortlessly which is bad in terms of a student’s thought process development as it does not help the student imagine and write by themselves.
AI has revolutionized and will keep on evolving the process of study in so many ways, but, I faced these like the way I mentioned above and got benefited along the way.