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February 2024 Scholarship Essay

The True Number Beneath

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by Zaid Salahuddin | USA

Everybody is unique in their own ways. You and I have our strengths and our weaknesses. That’s what makes us human. The SAT score for college applications are no different. For some it’s just another test that they can study for and will do well on. For others it’s a piece of paper that doesn’t truly show their strengths. In this essay I will explain why the SAT doesn’t always reflect what a student is capable of.
As mentioned before, everyone is human. A perk of being human is that no one is the same. Even identical twins have different personalities and traits. One twin will be a sports nut, while the other one will be a book nerd. Even though they were born on the same day. They developed their own personality. Those same twins will be completely different when it comes to test taking. It has been seen time and time again. For the book twin, the test might come easy to him since he reads and studies so much. For the sports twin, he could be a genius on the field and while he’s playing the game but lacks the smarts when it’s on paper. For him, he might just see words on a paper that doesn’t make sense but when he can walk through it. All the dots start to connect.
The SAT test is no different, although the test is made and designed to be general knowledge when it comes to English and math. It is made for the general public not for the specific. This is why schools offer the freedom of choice for your classes. I am a great example of this. I was great at math and would do Pre-Ap classes in middle school and ended up being a math credit ahead when it came to high-school. Unfortunately the same could not be said about English. When we would read books the words would just go in one ear and out the other and when it came time to take my SAT. I felt much more confident in my Math abilities than my English. The results of my test proved this feeling. When I got my scores and my Math was 50 points higher than my English. There wasn’t a problem with the test. Technically the problem was me.
In conclusion the examples shown are reasons why I believe the SAT test scores don’t always reflect what a person is capable of. For some changing the way the score is understood would allow more to get the further education that they desire.

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