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November, 2023 Scholarship Essay

"How AI supports students with ADHD"

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by Skyler DiMeola | USA

Prior to the rise of AI, studying was always a challenge. As a student with ADHD, I struggled with finding practical study tools that supported the unique way in which my brain learns. I tried many methods, like writing mini quizzes and flashcards. These techniques work for most people, but because of how long it would take me to create them, I would lose my focus and be mentally too tired to study, leaving them unused. For people with ADHD to learn best, we need stimulation to engage us and keep us focused. Studying by myself has always been difficult, and even using pre-made study tools like quizlets and practice tests has never really engaged me in a way that made them useful.

Of course, there is also the option to hire a tutor, but they are expensive and a luxury my family and I can’t afford, and even if we could, everyone has their own teaching styles, and they might not teach the way I learn best. I tried studying with friends, but they also have personal study techniques, which only sometimes match mine. I often found that I didn’t know how to handle myself in the wide world of studying, so when AI became popularized as a study tool, I was excited to see how it might benefit someone with my learning needs.

AI plays a pivotal role in revolutionizing the study experience for those who need another level of engagement. AI can apply the Socratic method, which I use to support my learning style. The Socratic method, rooted in questioning and critical thinking, becomes more dynamic and accessible when using AI tools. One of the key advantages is personalized learning. AI can analyze an individual’s learning patterns, strengths, and weaknesses and then tailor study materials to target the specific needs of each student rather than just teaching a topic one way. This tailoring of materials is particularly helpful to me as my ADHD causes me to learn differently than my peers. Through adaptive learning platforms, AI can generate questions, prompts, and quizzes designed to stimulate critical thinking, mirroring the Socratic method’s emphasis on inquiry and dialogue in the way that best supports my learning needs.

There is also the ability to use AI-powered virtual assistants to serve as study companions. These intelligent systems can engage in interactive conversations, answer questions, and provide real-time feedback. I like this because it allows for a Socratic-style exchange between myself and the AI system. This exchange further enhances my understanding and encourages me to articulate and defend my ideas. AI brings the Socratic method into the digital age by offering personalized and interactive learning experiences for all learning styles.

AI’s adaptive capabilities and virtual assistance help enhance one’s critical thinking skills, making studying for those with learning disabilities more efficient, engaging, and tailored to the unique needs of each learner. AI has allowed me to keep up with my peers academically by providing a new way to maximize my time studying and engaging with the material. ADHD has its challenges, but it also allows me to hyperfocus on topics I find appealing. AI helps me connect more deeply with topics I usually struggle with out of boredom by engaging me in ways that spark my interest, allowing me to focus on the material in ways I couldn’t before.

As AI technology improves, we will continue to see how its benefits will support populations that struggle with the standard teaching practices in our schools today. I am hopeful AI will level the playing field for students with ADHD and other learning disabilities.

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