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January 2024 Scholarship Essay

High Stakes for Priorities: GPA vs. Extracurriculars

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by Shauntel Hall | USA

I believe, and always have believed, that a high GPA should always be a top priority when in school. I think this takes precedence over extracurriculars. The reason is simple. A high GPA demonstrates far more than just excellent comprehension of the subject matter. Your GPA shows how much you value education and learning, and how much time you have invested into it. This can translate to strong skills in time management, discipline, a willingness to learn, as well as pride taken in one’s work and success. These are qualities that make a good employee, a good coworker, and ultimately these characteristics will lend themselves to an individual becoming successful in their career.
I dislike extracurriculars being used to gauge someone’s aptitude because not everyone comes from family backgrounds where they can participate. My mother was a single parent and could not afford to buy me a car when I was in high school, therefore, I was not able to do extracurriculars because I could not get rides to and from practices, nor could we afford sport equipment for athletic extracurriculars. However, if you study hard and devote yourself, anyone can do well in school.
Additionally, classes give you the skill and knowledge to enter a workforce prepared. Unless your extracurricular specifically correlates with your field of study, it is not essential in preparing you for your future outside of school. Entry-level positions are becoming harder and harder to come by so it’s even more important now that focus stays on learning as job placement will be competitive. Your GPA is the only prospect you can show future employers that will allow them to judge how hard of a worker you are, and how well you take to new material (if you have not worked in a relevant field or have never had a job).
Essentially, your GPA reflects how seriously you take learning and can reflect how seriously you will devote yourself to your work. It displays qualities outside of just knowing how to memorize and regurgitate information. It can give a potential employer confidence in hiring you as they will assume positively that you are someone that is diligent and thorough in your work. In the end, when applying for a job or to a university, all we have to showcase ourselves is text on paper. A high GPA is a way of letting people know before they’ve met you that you take pride in your work and are reliable with deadlines and commitments. This can be the difference between getting opportunities or missing out.

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