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March 2024 Scholarship Essay

Don't Sweat It (Too Much)

Samuel Lund Headshot - Samuel Lund (2).jpg

by Samuel Lund | USA

My approach to acing standardized exams is simple – don’t sweat it. At least not too much. It seems as though everywhere you turn someone is offering you free advice on taking standardized exams. Unsolicited advice comes in from teachers, friends, and parents. Everyone wants to tell you the story of how they aced (or bombed) the particular standardized test for which you have recently registered.

Ultimately, however, you must find out what works for you as an individual. This does not mean you must completely ignore the advice you received from your Aunt Jennifer who took the exam in high school 30 years ago. It just means you aren’t her, and what worked for her might not work for you. Some people do better with large group classes, while others do better working one on one with a tutor. Some people learn more by listening to instruction, while others need to do multiple practice tests to become comfortable with the format. In the end, what works for one student may not work for another. Success at standardized exams simply does not have a “one size fits all” approach.

My approach is to rely on my own skills and knowledge as a foundation for preparing for exams. In addition, good test preparation methods such as getting a good night’s sleep, eating a solid breakfast, and engaging in meditation or breathing exercises can help. Ultimately, though, going into an exam with confidence in my abilities has led to my greatest success. Although tutoring and study guides are extremely valuable to success, I also know that my belief in my own abilities is crucial. I remind myself that I have been very successful academically, I know the material, and I have studied hard in preparation. On test day, it is time to set aside the stress and nerves, walk into the exam with confidence, and know in my heart that I am capable of success.

It is easy to get pulled into the free advice coming from all directions telling you how to be successful on standardized tests. In the end, you must remember that there is no “one size fits all” approach to acing standardized exams. You must know yourself and trust yourself because no one knows you better than you do. Believe in yourself and your abilities, practice good study and test prep habits, and go in there and seize the score you deserve.

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