Throughout college, my GPA was my constant nemesis, especially as I struggled to meet the competitive standards for admission into veterinary school. However, after enduring numerous sleepless nights fueled by copious amounts of caffeine, I find myself on the brink of graduating with a Bachelor’s in Animal Science and a minor in Microbiology, poised to begin veterinary school in the upcoming fall semester. Reflecting on my journey, I’ve identified numerous strategies that helped me elevate my GPA.
I was guilty of copying notes and trying to memorize information, simply leading to a jumble of words filling my head. Unfortunately, this proved to be ineffective and I wasted countless hours staring at words and pictures only to struggle to relay the information during exams.
With the pressure of applying to veterinary schools looming, I knew I had to reflect on my own strategies and find ways to improve my performance. Recognizing the necessity of support, I proactively sought professional help, even though discussing mental health issues is stigmatized within my family. This decision to prioritize my well-being was pivotal, allowing me to address my mental health concerns and develop effective coping mechanisms. It was here that I was diagnosed with PTSD resulting in recurring nightmares and severe insomnia, resulting in poor academic performance. Therapy helped me recognize how to perform well academically while also improving my conditions and taught me the importance of prioritizing one’s well-being.
Moreover, I have conscientiously adjusted my study habits and time management skills. Drawing from past experiences, I now approach my coursework more strategically, ensuring that I can balance my academic commitments with my other responsibilities. Not only have I been able to handle a greater course load, but I have also taken on more challenging classes, underscoring my personal growth and my ability to thrive despite the obstacles I have faced. My most effective study strategies include blurting material and teaching material to my friends (or even to my stuffed animals when my friends are unavailable). These strategies force me to fully understand the material in order to teach it effectively and has ignited a passion and appreciation for teaching. I enjoy teaching and supporting others in their academic pursuits and strongly feel that working with others has benefitted my GPA greatly.
My unwavering dedication is rooted in a genuine passion for veterinary medicine. This fervor propels me forward, motivating me to persist and fueling my ambition to continue delving into veterinary medicine in the future and pursuing a career in veterinary clinical pathology.