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November, 2023 Scholarship Essay

"Studying: Before and After A.I."

Phillip Hayden Brinkley.jpg

by Phillip Hayden Brinkley | USA

In recent years, artificial intelligence (A.I.) has significantly impacted various aspects of our lives. A.I. has become integral to many job functions as a result of our increasing reliance on websites, online communication, and other tasks that humans used to handle. While A.I. may pose challenges in terms of job displacement through automated robots, self-driving cars, healthcare management systems, etc., it also offers numerous benefits. One such advantage is its application in studying.
Previously, my study method involved using pen and paper. I would write down questions and answers side by side, then proceed to review my “study guide,” essentially memorizing the material. However, I soon realized that this approach didn’t result in meaningful learning. Although I achieved good grades on tests and retained some information shortly after learning, it did not stay with me for the long term. Consequently, I sought a more effective solution, which led me to study with the aid of A.I.
A few years ago, I started utilizing a website and app called Quizlet. According to Apple, Quizlet offers personalized quizzes, practice tests, expert-written homework solutions, and transformative A.I. study tools. This platform enables me to explore innovative techniques for studying and learning, beyond the confines of passive reading and memorization. As a result, I genuinely enjoy studying and no longer view it as a chore. Quizlet’s interactive games, designed to make studying a challenging experience, come with the added incentive of achieving good grades. Furthermore, Quizlet’s multiplayer games serve as a means for teachers to engage students during class, while ensuring they grasp the required material.
Another valuable aspect of studying with A.I. involves the use of chatbots. Although some students may misuse chatbots by copying and pasting entire papers, those of us who leverage them as a learning resource gain a significant advantage. For instance, chatbots can direct us towards reliable sources, saving hours spent searching for credible information for our papers. Additionally, they can provide answers to simple questions, similar to searching in an internet search engine. The advantage of chatbots lies in the ability to follow up with supplementary questions, akin to holding a conversation with a tutor.
Artificial intelligence has undeniably revolutionized our lives, as it assumes more responsibilities and impacts society on a grand scale. Studying with A.I. stands out as one of the most significant benefits derived from this technological advancement, transforming studying into an enjoyable experience that I look forward to.

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