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November, 2023 Scholarship Essay

"How AI Has changed studying"

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by Olayide Ogunse | USA

Before AI Studying was a lot more difficult for me, I had to spend hours looking for information that I was researching, I had to read many books to find definitions and all sorts of information. But as the recent years have been AI has been getting more attention and widespread. AI became a useful tool for me. Instead of having to research for many hours, you can ask AI about your topic and it can be used in so many different forms. I’ve used AI as a way to understand how to study better. AI has given me the chance to widen my thought process. It allows me to gain ideas that I would’ve never thought of or would have considered. It provided me with information that could help influence my work.

For example, I had an essay one time and to help get a jump on the essay I used it. AI helps assess your weaknesses and strengths, gives you ways to adapt to an assignment, and helps provide you with topics that you can’t cover or that you struggle with. AI allows me to receive feedback. When I have an assignment that I’m not sure if it’s well written I can always rely on the AI to help me fix mistakes that I didn’t see or anyone who helped me with my work didn’t see. Although peer review should always be used in essays and work, sometimes people miss things and AI is a great way to catch those mistakes.

AI brings in tutoring experience, allowing assistance with any piece of work. AI allows for automated grading and natural feedback based on other papers and other people’s feedback. It takes all of this into account when evaluating your paper. AI can help in performance, it can allow you to be more consistent, and can you keep up to date with your work. However, I feel like the use of AI blocks the free spirit. Although you do gain the ability to access more information you lack the sense of research discovery that people need when studying in any field. AI is a great tool but its drawbacks negatively affect our education and how we will be able to process ourselves in the future. Although AI searches the web for its answers it only looks for keywords and phrases but when you’re doing research on your own you can look at the full scope and see all its points whether it’s good or bad.

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