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November, 2023 Scholarship Essay

"How AI Has Helped Me to Succeed in My English Classes"

Nicholas Meridionale.jpg

by Nicholas Meridionale | USA

Never in my lifetime did I ever think I’d use any type of artificial intelligence to assist me with my education. Science and math have always been my strong subjects, but I really found myself struggling with my English classes. In my junior year of high school, I took an honors English class, which was definitely difficult for me because of all the essays I had to write. As I was writing a particular essay, I was looking for something to help me with paraphrasing. This is how I found out about QuillBot, an AI writing and grammar checking tool. This was incredibly helpful for me and greatly assisted my essay writing. Prior to using QuillBot, I always had spelling and grammar issues with my essays. Now I’ll admit my spelling errors probably could have been fixed if I took the extra time and effort to look up the proper spelling, but using QuillBot is so much faster and easier and has definitely helped me focus more on the content of my essays than the grammar and spelling. Another big problem I had was with punctuation. QuillBot also helps with this and allows me to have my essays make sense since it corrects the punctuation. Before QuillBot, I had to use different tools to check my spelling and grammar, and I’d end up with so many different tabs open on my computer. This simple tool is all I need now, and it makes writing so much easier.

Another great reason to use QuillBot is that it will detect any plagiarism that might be used when writing an essay. This will be especially helpful once I get to college, because I know the college professors will also be using AI software to detect plagiarism. Sometimes you may not even realize that you are plagiarizing, and by using QuillBot, it will pick up on this before you turn in your essay.

Another great advantage of using AI such as QuillBot to help with learning is that it helps you learn new words, which will ultimately help you with writing essays. There’s a feature that will rephrase what you wrote, which will make it sound more professional and improve your vocabulary.

In summary, the AI program QuillBot greatly improved my essay writing by helping with spelling, grammar, and punctuation correction. By helping with these aspects of writing, I was better able to focus on the content of my essays and be more creative and productive. I feel this has really helped me to achieve better grades in my English classes, which are the classes I struggle with the most.

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