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January 2024 Scholarship Essay

Importance of Time Management

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by Maxwell Gelhar | USA

The question of prioritizing a high grade point average or strong extracurriculars to get into the best university or a favorable job is very important in the life of many students across the globe. There is not always a consistent answer to which will be the most meaningful in the future. There could be arguments for either being more important that will be covered. It comes down to how well the classwork and extracurriculars can teach students to find a balance through effective time management.
To begin, a strong GPA through a challenging course load will always be vital to getting into the most prestigious universities. For example, if a student participates in two high school sports and 3 different clubs yet does not do any class work, this student will very likely be denied access to universities. However, a student with a tough course load and a high GPA with no extracurriculars will likely get into multiple colleges. Students with high grades often show discipline and determination within their course work that carry over into their real world jobs. Therefore, achieving a strong GPA could be understandably prioritized by students.
Secondly, great extracurriculars can be very beneficial in getting into high ranking colleges. In a lot of situations of higher ranking universities, a student’s experiences and extracurricular activities can make them an excellent outlier. If two students have similar GPAs and the second has demonstrated their ability to also participate in multiple extracurriculars, the second student will immediately be chosen for the role. A vast array of extracurricular activities can show that a student is very social and has great communication skills. Therefore, it could also be understood why a student would prioritize extracurriculars over a high GPA.
Finally, despite the great life skills gained in both tough coursework and multiple extracurriculars, there is one skill that stands above. Time management. Students that can manage their time effectively and find a balance between extracurriculars and coursework will find the most future success. One will not succeed by only prioritizing coursework. Students achieving high grades will often reflect discipline and perseverance within their future work but will lack team experience and communication skills. On the other hand, a student cannot succeed only with sports and clubs. Students that only participate in extracurricular activities will be unable to demonstrate the discipline and determination needed for success. Someone cannot succeed unless they are able to find a balance between their high GPA and their extracurricular activities. It is unfair to ask which to prioritize because the time management skills gained from balancing both are what is most important for success.

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