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January 2024 Scholarship Essay

Beyond the GPA: Unveiling Character through Extracurricular Endeavors

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by Madeline Pressman | USA

A high GPA is often deemed a fundamental indicator of academic excellence and dedication. It is a testament to a student’s commitment to mastering their coursework, showcasing their ability to meet rigorous academic demands. However, a high GPA falls short of acknowledging crucial elements such as creativity, passion, diverse skill sets, interpersonal skills, and values—need I elaborate further? A GPA is just one facet of a person’s profile. While it reflects a commitment to academics and learning, it fails to encapsulate an individual’s character and capabilities.

During my high school and undergraduate years, my goal was not merely to be the best but to learn to the best of my ability, both inside and outside the classroom. I enrolled in challenging courses where the grades I earned did not accurately reflect the knowledge I retained. Why? I’ll proudly admit it: I sometimes struggle with test-taking. Since my course grades heavily relied on test scores, my GPA didn’t always mirror the top percentile. However, I refused to let this define me. Instead, I allowed my extracurricular pursuits to describe my character and continue to live by this philosophy into my adult years.

Extracurricular activities offer a more comprehensive view of a person, revealing aspects of their personality and experiences that a numerical representation—ranging from 1.0 to 4.0—could never capture. They provide insights into a person’s passions, skills, and commitment beyond academics. And not to mention, extracurriculars are learning experiences, too, that need not be defined with a letter grade. Instead, extracurriculars highlight what you excel in and what you are passionate about.

One of my favorite extracurricular activities is pet sitting, specifically for an albino Great Dane named Blizzard. Whenever his parents leave town, I stay with him and provide for him. He is an absolute giant, sitting on my lap like he is a kitten. But, like any pet, he has needs to be met. He needs to be fed, watered, walked, played with, and, most importantly, loved. Reflecting on all my responsibilities and stories, I once connected with an employer at my current pharmacy job. He and I bonded over similar shared memories, as he had once been a pet sitter, too. This connection and shared experience set me apart from other potential hires. It wasn’t that I had a better GPA or came off as more intelligent than the rest; it was that I had an experience that reflected my understanding of responsibility, empathy, and time management that the employer understood, all attributes that successful employees exhibit.

As I look toward my future, I recognize that the lessons learned from these extracurricular experiences contribute to my personal growth and the development of a character that aligns with the values and expectations of future employers. My involvement in pet sitting is more than just about spending time with animals. It is about developing skills and qualities beyond the pet care realm. It underscores my reliability, compassion, and organizational abilities. While a high GPA is undeniably important, it should not overshadow the richness of experiences and skills that extracurricular activities bring to one’s profile. The unique qualities, passions, and capacities that emerge from outside-the-classroom pursuits contribute significantly to personal growth, demonstrating that there is more to an individual than a GPA alone can convey. In the journey of education, the multifaceted development that occurs when learning extends beyond the confines of textbooks and spills into the realm of real-world engagement.

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