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January 2024 Scholarship Essay

High GPA or Strong Extracurriculars: What's Your Priority and Why?

Kennedy head shot - Shannon Griffy.jpg

by Kennedy Brett Griffy | USA

“High GPA or Strong Extracurriculars: What’s Your Priority and Why?”
My name is Kennedy. I am a Senior in Boonville, MO and I believe the priority should always be that a person does their best in both areas. Being well-rounded and trying hard things can help us grow in unexpected ways.
My Mom tells me to give 100% most days when I walk out the door and she’s been saying so since she first dropped me off at Kindergarten. Giving 100% for me has resulted in me being pushed way, way out of my comfort zone in many ways. I am not perfect but I go to bed knowing that (most days) I’ve done my best. That may seem like a lot of pressure is placed on me but it only took a few times for my family asking if I did my best when I felt like I failed to realize they aren’t expecting perfection, they are trying to get me to be the best version of myself. I think it is important that each person tries their hardest and that even though we can’t all be the starting Quarterback or the 4.0 student, we can be the best version of ourselves. I am not either of those people listed above but through a lot of hard work, I am able to keep up, and be successful, in maintaining all A’s. Some of my peers get those grades much easier than me. Others decide to quit when it gets tough even if maybe their best is a B, it would be better than the D they end up with. When it comes to Athletics, I’m no natural but I worked really hard to earn my spot and it finally paid off. I earned the Pirate Pride award and could not be prouder of receiving it over much more talented athletes. I earned that award because of my hard work and my dedication to attending training, not because of my natural abilities. There were many others who were deserving talent wise but they did not necessarily try as hard or work as hard as I did. They took the easy path knowing their skills would get them all the playing time they could want. They earned a lot of press time and sports awards but they didn’t earn the Pirate Pride award. Unfortunately, a teammate thought his athleticism would turn him into a D1 multi-sport athlete but instead, his GPA has held him back from those opportunities. I often think of him as a prime example of why it takes some of both to be most successful.
Sometimes it feels like doing your very best and yet not being “the best” at any one thing is a really hard place to be. I won’t be the top athlete or number one student in our class and I truly hope that I am able to earn scholarships despite not being ranked number one at any one thing because I feel I can bring a lot to the table. I also feel like that is why others should be willing to try to be both GPA and Extracurricular focused – there’s always going to be someone, somewhere, a little better than you so why limit yourself to one focus.
I hope to be chosen for the Wiingy scholarship because the financial assistance would really help ease my stress level about paying for college. If awarded, I promise to give my best effort as I have shown in years past. Thank you for considering me for the Wiingy scholarship.

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