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December 2023 Scholarship Essay

Safety, Space, and Professor: The Perfect Match

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by KeAnna Campbell | USA

Choosing a college is a daunting task. It is a serious commitment and there is a lot to consider. Most people spend four years at the college they choose, and while you can transfer, it’s not something you typically plan for when you select your college. No one wants to be stuck at a college they don’t like for four years of their lives. To help me choose the college I wanted to attend, I had three main criteria: the school had to have a safe campus, it had to be in a different state, and it had to have good professors.

As a young woman, safety is something that is preached to you for years. It’s important to take safety measures and know how to defend yourself in a world that is unkind to young women. I was raised to be able to fend for myself and protect myself, but I knew that I didn’t want my own safety to be a top concern over my education. For that reason, I wanted to find a notoriously safe campus where I did not have to be constantly concerned for my safety. I wanted to attend a campus where I could walk to classes without fear of being followed or kidnapped. I wanted to attend a campus where I didn’t have to worry about theft or gun threats or shootings. I wanted somewhere I would not have to be consistently afraid, but somewhere I just had to be aware.

Secondly, I wanted my college to be in a state where I hadn’t lived before. I was born in Tennessee and spent several years there before we moved to Georgia, where I have spent most of my life. Unfortunately, due to family circumstances, most of my memories of both of these places are not the most pleasant. For me, college is allowing me to escape both the bad memories and insecure situations my family has brought me, while pursuing higher education. By attending a school in a different state, I will have to face the financial burden of out-of-state tuition, but it means I will get to experience extended peace for the first time in my life. That is a sacrifice that I am willing to make to get a break from my home life and my rough childhood.

Finally, my college had to have good professors. The biggest thing for me is a good education, and that isn’t possible with knowledgeable professors. Extending beyond their knowledge, I also wanted professors whom I could establish connections with. I didn’t want to be a stranger to my teacher – I wanted to be their mentee. I want to learn from them, not just in an educational situation. I want to learn from my professors’ experiences and be able to look up to them, not just learn material they are reiterating to me from a textbook.

Luckily, I found a school that met these three criteria: Campbell University. The professors are wonderful people, and they truly care about each and every one of the students they teach. The campus is small, and the city itself is incredibly safe. The security is always active as well, just in case. Finally, the campus is far from home. It’s close enough so if I do want to visit, I can, but none of my family would be upset if I told them I couldn’t visit for a break because the drive was too long. Campbell University truly has been the perfect school for me, and I am so thankful I have found it.

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