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March 2024 Scholarship Essay

The Magic of Timers and Treats

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by kaya koberstein | USA

Standardized tests are no walk in the park. It’s often you hear from students that the tests are so difficult that they, in fact, are a worthless mode of measuring the academic understanding and performance of those who participate in them. Despite receiving all A’s throughout the majority of my High School career, I have always been a terrible test taker. Alas, standardized tests are as their name claims: standard for all students wishing to continue their education to a higher level.
Due to my particular dislike of standardized testing, I have always relied on a firm structure of organized study in order to prepare myself. I can’t be lenient about studying structure. I have somewhat of a short term memory as well as a dreadfully short attention span. Sitting down with a notebook, a pen, and an open text book has never worked out.
However, this technique has become a favorite of mine and was, I am fairly certain, the only reason why I scored a 30 on my ACT. Firstly, study courses are worth the money ONLY if you are willing to put the brain power behind them. If you skip through the videos on 2x speed and don’t take notes or do the work, they’re useless. Invest mentally in the online study courses. Secondly, remember that the internet was created for a reason other than mindless entertainment. Find a practice exam and Google the questions on it that look daunting or unrecognizable to you. Watch YouTube videos and take notes. I did this alongside my online study course, starting a month away from the exam. I would ready my water bottle, caffeinated beverage, and whatever snack I had brought to my study session that day and set my timer for an hour. If you don’t think you can hold attention for an hour start with thirty minutes. Work on one topic at a time until you feel like you comprehend it until the timer goes off. Then, take a five minute break and do it again.
This practice, while hard to instill at first, has become a ritual of mine as I have made my way through my very first year of college. Being an Environmental Engineering student, I have to utilize my time well in order to balance out my overwhelming work load. I promise it works. The key element of the timer method, is most definitely have a treat near by, and don’t forget that learning is a blessing. View these tests as a challenge and push yourself to new heights.

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