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March 2024 Scholarship Essay

My Approach to Acing Standardized Exams

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by Juan Okunlola | USA

My approach to acing standardized exams is first of proper preparation. Over the years of taking multiple tests, quizzes, or exams, I have had different approaches based on the value or quantity of the grade, but as I have matured over the years, I have learned that every grade is equally valuable. Firstly i review what i already know of the topics or review important key point the teacher has point out, This help me to emphasize on what i already know and opens a better understanding then i go over other topics or subject based on what the exam is about during this process i put in side note to help me remain my memory, stuff i still don’t have a clear knowledge of i try to remember what the instructor said about the subject at hand or i go back to my resources for clue or help depending on the exam date i might go back to the instructor but if not i use other resources like social platforms, these social platform like youtube has really helped me to breakdown steps or give detailed description on the subject, when all my topics have been studied i review on my side note frequently , for example before i go to sleep and every free time i get in between classes usually by this time thing are matching up and make better sense to me . When it comes to the physical presence of the exam, Firstly, I pray in all honesty, whether for a minor or major exam. Then I analyze and scan my worksheet to get a quick sense of what’s ahead. I usually take a sneak peek to help me plan my time wisely. The first couple of questions are normally the easiest, but I like to go in order so my work can stay organized. By this time, my strategies start to kick in, and all the nervousness tends to go away. Every assignment is precious, and I don’t like to waste it. After going through the questions, I use clues and my side notes from the questions to eliminate the obviously wrong choices. Most times, it feels like I’m a detective, eliminating the wrong possibilities. Pace is so important when writing an exam. I use a method I call no time look. It’s when I don’t look at the time because when I look and it’s not a pleasant time, I start to blank in my school. I was taught to use the cross-out method, which also helped me a lot. This method for me is yet simple but an approach to acing an exam, focusing on strategy, building my confidence, and practicing.

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