Fulfilling Your Dreams and Finding Your Full Potential by Jolene Slifka

By Jolene Slifka on Mar 14, 2024

As Henry David Thoreau once said, “All good things are wild and free.” This is why I am pursuing a STEM degree in marine sciences at the University of New England (UNE) in Biddeford, ME because I want to help rescue endangered species, without keeping them in captivity! Ever since I can remember, I have been fascinated by the ocean and passionate about exploring marine life. I have always loved science and knew at a young age that I wanted to become a marine biologist. My parents would take us to the beach every summer. On one such family beach trip, I remember exploring tide pools and seeing many different sea creatures. I saw many colorful starfish, crabs, and sea urchins. The sand felt powdery like flour between my toes and warm. The air smelled like fish and seaweed. I could taste the salt when a wave crashed over me. It was very peaceful.

I am lucky that UNE did not require my SAT scores when I applied there. Otherwise, they might not have accepted me into their marine sciences program. SAT scores on college applications do not reflect a student’s full potential. You could have been having a bad day and did poorly on your SAT. Standardized tests may not be your strong suit. Some students do not test well but do fine on homework in class. These tests do not reflect what a student is capable of or what they can potentially achieve.

I never do well on these tests. In fact, I scored better on my PSAT during my sophomore year in high school then I did my senior year on the SAT. I do not think these tests prove what a student is capable of doing and the knowledge they truly possess. I do not know why some colleges take SAT scores into consideration when a student is applying to go to school there. Maybe giving them an aptitude test would show their full potential more than the SAT.

Someone once told me that marine biology is a man’s field and that I should not pursue this field of study, even though it has been my dream since I was young. This scholarship will help me continue chasing my dream. I will not let anyone, or anything get in the way of achieving my goal and accomplishing what I feel so strongly and passionately about in my career choice. The mission of ensuring that all women in science can achieve their full potential aligns perfectly with my aspirations. I love the slogan on one of the flags outside my college dorm at UNE. According to College Raptor, it states that UNE is a “Hidden Gem for Women in STEM.” This is encouraging as I chose this school because they are ranked as one of the top 10 colleges nationally for marine sciences and have a 95% rate of employment after graduating. Winning this scholarship will allow me the freedom to continue my studies and advance my career while not having to agonize over insufficient funds.

Wiingy’s investment into my education through this scholarship would be deeply appreciated and well spent, as I plan to give back to the community through educational programs explaining the importance of protecting our oceans and the sea creatures living there. With your generosity, this scholarship will provide more opportunities for me to make the world better while fulfilling my dreams. It will allow me to achieve my goals and pursue my passion with a career in marine sciences. Together, we can change the world by improving our oceans for future generations!

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