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April 2024 Scholarship Essay

Are My Grades Good Enough

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by Isak Danke | USA

The summer before my junior year I took a college boot camp class that taught me about how the application process works, FAFSA, and explored some colleges I’d be interested in. Looking into some of the university’s requirements made me stop and think. My grades were good, I had perfect attendance, I was a good student, and was in lots of extracurricular activities, but was that good enough? After researching some universities I knew I wanted to attend a larger university for engineering and music. In order for this to happen I needed to get my grades up but I didn’t want to give up sports or music.

Once school started I knew I’d have to be focused and limit distractions. I am a three sport athlete in football, curling, and lacrosse. In the fall I had football practice everyday after school and on top of that I had a full course load with no study halls. I did as much work as I could in class to limit the amount I had to do at home. Managing my time began to help immensely. I was able to get the proper amount of sleep so I had enough energy for football while still getting everything done. Once the football season was over I had a week break until the curling season started. Curling wasn’t as physically demanding as football but I still did work during class time to stay ahead. After the curling season was over I’d again have about a week’s space between seasons before I had lacrosse everyday after school as well as games every Tuesday and Thursday.

In addition to sports I was also in multiple music groups. At school I was part of the Wind Ensemble, jazz band, pep band and marching band. Outside of school I was part of the UW-Stevens Point at Wausau Community Band & Jazz Ensemble and the Wisconsin Ambassadors of Music. Most of these groups had performances or rehearsals during the week in the evenings. Our high school marching band also had extra rehearsals as we prepared to go to Pasadena to march in the Tournament of Roses Parade. The winter months also required more practice time to prepare for district Solo and Ensemble as well as State Solo and Ensemble later on. In the spring I was selected to be in the pit orchestra for our school’s musical, so that required rehearsals everyday on top of lacrosse practice.
I was able to achieve a 4.0 GPA first semester however second semester would prove to be even busier. After the semester ended and the final grades were posted I was so proud to see that I had done it. I received a perfect 4.0 GPA my junior year. All my hard work and time management paid off. I didn’t have to sacrifice being in sports or music groups. With proper planning and dedication you can be a three sport athlete, a musician, and a 4.0 student.

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