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December 2023 Scholarship Essay

College Planning - My Personal Top 3 Criteria for Selecting a College

Harsh Siroya.jpeg

by Harsh Siroya | India

Choosing which college to attend is a major decision that will impact the next four years of my life. With thousands of options to consider, narrowing down my selection can feel overwhelming. However, after extensive research and self-reflection, I have identified the following three criteria as most important to me personally when evaluating potential colleges.

Academics: My Top Priority

Without question, academics are my number one priority. I want to attend a college with rigorous yet supportive programs that align with my interests in engineering and computer science. Specifically, I will look for highly ranked engineering and technology departments that offer diverse specializations, such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and more. Opportunities for hands-on learning through innovative research projects are also essential, as I hope to build a strong foundation of technical and problem-solving skills. However, a stellar academic program goes beyond just course options and research—it is only as good as the professors teaching it. Therefore, I will prioritize schools with exceptional faculty who are active leaders in their fields. Mentorship and individualized attention from knowledgeable professors will greatly enrich my learning and growth during such a formative time.

Finding the Right Fit: Campus Culture and Student Life

While academics may be my top consideration, campus culture and student life is a close second. After all, I will be living on campus full-time for four years—it needs to feel like home. For me, an engaging community starts with a diverse student body from a variety of backgrounds. I hope to connect with fellow students from different cultures, perspectives, and life experiences, as I believe crossing borders of all kinds leads to deeper critical thinking and illuminating discussions. Additionally, plentiful clubs, activities, events, and traditions are essential for a thriving social life. I hope to attend sports games, plays, concerts, and more as both a participant and spectator, immersing myself in the spirit of campus. Most importantly, a supportive environment with opportunities for personal growth through leadership roles is vital. My college experience is not just about earning a degree—it is about pursuing passions and coming into my own as an individual.

Financial Considerations: Balancing Affordability with Opportunity

As important as finding the right academic, social, and cultural fit is, affordability cannot be ignored—colleges need to make financial sense for my family. Generous need-based aid and merit scholarship options are crucial criteria in my selection process. With strong grades, test scores, and extracurricular leadership, I am a competitive applicant for several academic scholarships. Additionally, colleges with robust work-study and on-campus employment programs allow me to offset costs through a campus job. While weighing financials, however, I must balance budgets with long-term opportunities. Attending my top academic choice positions me for career and graduate school goals, even with loans. With mindful financial planning and scholarship hunting, I can make ambitious college dreams a reality.

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