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February 2024 Scholarship Essay

A Journey through the SAT Maze

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by Emily Arutyunian | USA

The tension is almost palpable. Thirty students sit in a small classroom in an air thick with anticipation. Every breath is a silent prayer of success, while the weight of their expectations press down on their shoulders. Nervous glances dart between desks. Fingers tap nervously. Hearts race in sync with the ticking of the clock on the wall.

Amidst the sea of anxiety sits a student in the back corner of the room. This would be his 4th time taking the SAT. He’s had his fair share of ups and downs over the course of the test taking journey.

But this time, something is different.

Instead of a look of dread, there is a look of confidence. Confidence from his long hours of hours he spent studying. Confidence from the long nights of relearning math concepts. Confidence from knowing that he pushed himself harder than ever before.

As the clock strikes 8:30AM, the teacher announces to begin our test. Ready to conquer the challenge I had worked so hard towards, I flip open my booklet as a serene but determined smile spreads across my face.

Let’s do this.


Looking back on my SAT experience, I’ve realized its narrow focus fails to measure true potential, neglecting crucial skills like critical thinking, Yet, it excels in gauging perseverance. Like I mentioned above, I took the SAT four times. Not the most optimal number, but if it wasn’t for the journey that it took me through I would have never learned about its importance, and about me as well.

It all started with 10th grade. I approached the test without much concern, resulting in a disappointing score. But I recognized the need for a little more improvement, and dedicated myself to rigorous study, spending hours on resources like Khan Academy. However, I overlooked the importance of pacing during practice tests, which greatly impacted my score. Frustrated with myself, I took it another time in that year – yet to no avail.

As you could expect, my self-esteem plummeted. Why can’t I just get this right?
But, despite the setbacks, I refused to surrender. Now I wanted to take on this challenge.

With my newfound determination, I transformed my approach to studying: I made it into a game – delving into SAT content, seeking advice from friends, and even encashing my studying hours for prizes! As the months rolled on, I began to find myself not dreading my prep sessions but eagerly anticipating them. The day of the test, I felt not the weight of anxiety, but the excitement of a gamer about to beat the final level.

That SAT went on to become my highest score, which with a previous attempt a few weeks back superscored to a 1540. I did it!

My commitment had paid off. Although textbook preparation was a big part of the process, if it wasn’t for me forcing myself to take responsibility for my efforts, I would have never reached this position. In the end, my playful game of SAT prep and the struggle before it taught me a very valuable lesson – that any obstacle can be overcome with a change in perspective, a touch of creativity and a will to push through.

The SAT may not reflect your true potential as an individual, but it does show them your drive. In the bright and flashy world we live in, being able to truly put your mind to something is a skill that will not only help you on your college journey, but anywhere else life takes you.

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