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January 2024 Scholarship Essay

Why Strong Extra Curriculars Are Important

Rieger_Dante_Professional_Photo - Dante Rieger.jpg

by Dante Rieger | USA

I am currently a part of multiple extracurriculars related to engineering. I have always been participating in extracurriculars since my freshman year of high school and plan to continue to be a part of extracurriculars throughout my time in college. I am more focused on strong extracurriculars because they allow me to learn skills outside of the classroom, allow me to explore more different options for my career, network with my peers, and improve my career prospects.

Extracurriculars allow you to learn more skills outside of the classroom. Academic curriculums impart theoretical knowledge well but lack teaching practical skills and applications. Extracurriculars help fill this void. For example, I am a part of the Structures Subteam of Husky Satellite Lab, which is an extracurricular at the University of Washington which focuses on building open sourced CubeSat hardware and software. In the Structures subteam I apply what I learned about designing in the classroom by designing manufacturable parts. I will be learning about machining, designing a machinable part, and improving manufacturability. I am also a part of my campus’s 3D printing club where I learned 3d modeling and 3d printing. I would have never learned these skills in a classroom setting.

With the help of extracurriculars I have explored different career trajectories. In Husky Satellite Lab I am also a part of a battery management team that charges the batteries of the Satellite. Because of the classes I am taking I wouldn’t have been exposed to this kind of work. It exposed me to different work that I could potentially do with my future degree.

Networking can be difficult, but because of extracurriculars it can be made easier. I joined clubs that align with my interests and as such I met people with similar interests as me. These connections help build my social life but also create a support system for me during college. Collaborating with a common goal helps me work on a team, and also helps me feel a part of a bigger community. Joining extracurriculars is one of the main ways I have made friends in the past and I hope to continue making friends that way in the future.

The extracurriculars I am a part of also improve my career prospects by giving me experience in my future field of work. An extracurricular portfolio showcases my skills, and also shows dedication, initiative, time management, and builds upon my network of peers. This could help me during interviews and other applications such as scholarships.

Extracurriculars are an important part of my academic journey and have helped me reach where I am today. The benefits such as networking and skill development will help me in my future career and have helped me grow as a person. Extracurriculars are an indispensable part of one’s education and take priority over a high GPA. A high GPA doesn’t help you learn new skills, network, or explore different career trajectories. A high GPA doesn’t demonstrate your skills to a future employer. For these reasons I focus on extracurriculars.

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