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March 2024 Scholarship Essay

Becoming the Benefit

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by Danika Riccio | USA

Sitting in class, listening to lectures, everyone has to go to school. Although we all know that standardized tests happen every year, we fail to advance our knowledge and listen to the valuable knowledge being handed down to us each and every day. We may study all throughout the year, but in order to really ace the texts, I believe students really need to want it. Remembering certain concepts can help with short term memory and wanting to get good scores on the tests, but that shouldn’t be the goal. Knowing this knowledge past these tests can be beneficial to each individual and proves that this memory will last until the test occurs and throughout life. The desire to learn within a student determines who will do good on the tests and who won’t. Even though studying and paying attention is important, each of us should want that knowledge and want to become the best version of ourselves as possible. “Get off your phone” is a common statement that’s often repeated in the classrooms all throughout campus. Although I have heard this many times, it has never been said to me. I choose to walk into the classroom every single day and want my education to improve, knowing these important tests will be waiting for me near the end of the school year. On top of the energy devoted towards the learning itself, I think the only thing left to do is try your hardest. Nobody is asking anyone to be perfect and the tests are only a small portion of your life. In no way am I making the tests sound any less important than they are, I just believe that a good balance in life is truly needed to succeed. Balancing the studying with relaxing hours and decompression allows for a student to strive and continue their want to educate themselves. When students become burnt out they put less effort into what they want to achieve. Letting kids be kids while continuing to put in their best effort leads to success. Strive to be better, aim to be yourself. Nothing can prepare a student better than that. Until the tests come around, I will continue to take my own advice and be the student I know I can be. You’ll definitely catch me paying attention in class Monday-Friday, but don’t be surprised when you see me chilling on the beach on the weekend for some much needed relaxation.

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Wiingy's $2,400 scholarship for School and College Students

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Wiingy's $2,400 scholarship for School and College Students