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March 2024 Scholarship Essay

"Test"ament to Success

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by Dalton Prather | USA

“Test”. It’s funny to think how this one tiny word can invoke stress and fear in students across the world.. Some people lean into the stress, using it as a motivator. Others wait until the last moment and find panic to be equally as useful. Through many years of trial and error, I developed my own approach to acing standardized testing. I always give myself plenty of time to prepare, study in an efficient manner, and remove any unnecessary sources of stress.

One of the best ways I have found to set myself up to ace an exam is to give myself plenty of prep time. As soon as I know the date an exam will happen, I begin to plan out my study schedule. This allows me to work around any pre-existing plans and set aside time specifically for studying. Once I have my schedule figured out, I can then establish learning goals. I write down what the goal of each study session will be and what subject I will focus on. Establishing learning goals allows me to effectively manage my time. Meeting them means that I am able to cover every topic that will be on the test, and avoid the last minute panic to review everything at once the night before. Taking the time to organize myself and make a plan has enabled me to excel at test taking, especially when combined with other strategies.

Another excellent way I have found to prepare for an exam is to use efficient studying methods. One of the worst ways to study for a test is to try to learn everything at once. Instead I like to break things up, covering little pieces of information with each study session. With each topic I can focus on gaining a deeper understanding, instead of a shallow knowledge of everything. Taking breaks between sessions is also an important part of my study habit. I take a few minutes to find something relaxing to do, giving my brain time to process and store all the information I just reviewed. I also like to make use of special studying techniques. Creating my own study guides, summarizing notes in my own words, creating flash cards, and employing rote memorization are all tactics that I regularly use. By using efficient studying methods, I can significantly improve my odds of acing any test I take.

Lastly, one of the most important ways I can improve my chances of acing an exam is to eliminate as much stress from my life as I can. The last thing I need when I’m preparing for a test is to be stuck worrying about something else. To start, I always try to deal with as many potential problems as I can in advance. Knowing in advance when and where I’m taking my test, along with how to get there, are great ways to avoid test day anxiety. Getting a full night’s sleep along with eating a good breakfast are also crucial parts of my preparation. All the information in the world is of no use if I am too tired or fatigued to remember it. By eliminating these extra sources of stress, I can ensure that I’m able to focus solely on acing the test.

In conclusion, while standardized testing can be stressful, there are many ways to prepare for it. My personal strategy is to give myself plenty of prep time, using efficient studying methods, and eliminate any extra sources of stress. By using these strategies, I am able to ace any test that comes my way.

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