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April 2024 Scholarship Essay

GPA: A Number

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by Charisse Martin | USA

As a student-athlete who has participated in a long list of community service organizations, managing my time was one of the most important things I had to do to maintain a high GPA. I knew I would not have time to do homework after school because I would need to attend a 3-hour practice, make a 30-minute drive home, find time to eat, get ready for bed, and of course, get enough sleep to repeat this routine. Rather than finishing my classwork ahead of time and spending the rest for leisure like I would do in elementary and middle school, I would take that time to complete any homework I had.
Most of the content being taught, I’d already learned through my intellectual pursuit outside of school and persistent reading habits however, there were times I did not understand the material before me. When this occurs, I would reword the answers and quiz myself while completing daily tasks. This engages my long-term memory by subconsciously associating the content with what I am doing. If I feel this is not enough, I would research more on the topic; find real-life scenarios where these questions are asked or something that invokes an emotional response in me, like interest. I may even go so far as to implement the information in my life, whether through conducting an experiment of my own or asking related parties about the subject.
I am but a human being and undergo my own fits of creative plateau and feelings of demotivation. I work hard to stay ahead of my fellow peers and teachers so that when times like this arise, I can simply take a step back and reconfigure the purpose of my academic pursuit. I take these moments away from the grandiosity of life to acknowledge its simplicity. I seek out the little things: the way the leaves follow the breeze, the laughter of children. Sometimes this is all I need to find joy in my everyday happenings once again and remind myself why I am doing all of this.
It is important to take the time to think about why one does what they do, for they may lead a life undesirable and remain unfulfilled. Individuals should question all that is around them and let their interests lead them in their endeavors; form passions of their own and pursue them relentlessly. Academia is more than GPAs and tests, it is the centerpiece of exploration. It offers students a variety of subjects and experiences to expand their knowledge and spark their intrigue. I sustained my GPA not because I cared about the numbers and letter grades, but because I had a true appreciation for the opportunities before me.

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