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October, 2023 Scholarship Essay

"I would like to start my own electric car business"

Brandon Lang.jpg

by Brandon Lang | USA

My whole life I have had to overcome my learning disability that has made going through the ranks of school a challenge. I always needed to put in twice the amount of effort and time as my peers to complete the work and get good grades on all my assignments and tests. Even with my learning disability, I still managed to graduate 34 out of 327 in my high school senior class.

I’m working towards a degree in mechanical engineering. A mechanical engineering degree will be necessary for my Automotive Design Engineering career. I would like to design electric cars that are reliable, have high miles per gallon equivalent, charge themselves while driving, have high horsepower, are affordable, and look good too. After a few years in the automotive industry, I would like to start my own electric car business.

When I have an ambitious idea, I do everything that I can to make my dream a reality. I know that creating a successful business will take time, but I don’t mind waiting. The only way this is going to happen is by continuing college and getting a higher education.

When I started my first semester of college as an engineering major, I quickly learned that my strategies for completing assignments and studying for tests would need to change; to adapt to this new environment and get high grades. My first semester workload and content pushed me way past my original limitations and I had to put in 12-hour days to get my work done and understand the content; due to the complexity of it. College is already hard enough and adding a learning disability into the mix only makes it more challenging. Learning coding, calculus and chemistry were the harder subjects to understand and I was not happy with my result in the beginning of the semester; so, I just spent a lot more time in each of the subjects and in the end, I ended up seeing positive results even though the journey was not easy by any means. I am very proud of my 3.21 GPA for my first semester as an engineering major.

My second semester taught me to prioritize my time between challenging engineering projects, difficult Calculus II, Physics I concepts, along with writing 1000-word essays for English Composition II. Even though my second semester of engineering was by far my most stressful semester yet, it was an enjoyable learning experience and a memorable journey. In the end, I pulled off a 3.71 GPA during my second semester despite all odds. I know that this is only the beginning of my engineering journey, and it will only get harder, but I will embrace the challenge.

I know one day I will make a difference in the automotive industry and advance automotive design. I know what I’m capable of and my potential and hope to be awarded this scholarship. Thank you for your consideration.

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