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January 2024 Scholarship Essay

The Value of Hard Work

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by Benjamin Diel | USA

I believe that a high GPA, showing hard work academically, is the most important priority when considering high school and potential for future success. I believe that it is more important to be involved in one or two extracurricular activities and focus on getting a solid foundation of education during the high school years. If one’s focus is on expanding knowledge and performing well in school, this will set you up for a successful future, especially in a STEM pathway.

Anyone can be involved in extracurricular activities, and it is not that difficult to make it appear that you were ‘involved’ in many activities when truly it is just a matter of attending a meeting now and then. I am not saying that involvement in extracurricular activity in not an important part of growth during high school. I was involved in Scouts and achieved the rank of Eagle scout during my years of involvement. I also participated in and held the lead role in many theater productions while in high school. I learned priceless lessons in leadership, organization, public speaking, and community service. However, if I had become involved in numerous other extracurricular activities to expand my portfolio, I would not have had time to have such a great learning experience from scouts and theater. I would have had many superficial activities that look great, but not had time to dig in deep and gain the benefits of invested involvement.

Academics on the other hand, cannot be faked. If a person takes high level classes, either at the college level through dual enrollment or the higher level classes their school offers, there are standards that must be met. A person must show diligent work, attention to detail, and intellectual strength to carry and succeed in such an endeavor. A person’s GPA cannot be faked, exaggerated nor inflated. It shows consistent hard work and dedication to learning. One’s academic record can also show a propensity towards STEM classes, and a capacity to achieve in this realm. I believe this is a much stronger indicator of readiness for college classes in a STEM field, a capacity for hard work, and indicator of future success in a STEM career, than scattering one’s attention on a vast array of fun extracurriculars.

Whether a student has chosen to focus on academics or on involvement in favorite activities, or both, there is no wrong answer to this question. Learning can happen in the classroom as well as through involvement with individuals in an extracurricular setting. The important thing is for people to work hard towards making a positive impact in the world, whether through academia or through service or influencing the world through art forms or sports. If students put their time and attention into the classes and activities that inspire them, and work together to form a diverse and welcoming community, we can make a positive difference in the world.

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