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June 2024 Scholarship Essay

Summer in Armenia

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by Araksya Gevorgyan | Armenia

This summer, I’m setting out on a journey of discovery, growth and adventures. As an 18-year-old from Armenia, I am passionate about discovering my old country and learning as much as I can.

The first thing I’m planning is to uncover Armenia’s hidden gems. Lake Sevan, with its shimmering waters and cool breezes, is calling my name. I’ve always dreamed of camping by its shores, waking up to the serene sunrise. I plan to go camping by the lake with a group of close friends, setting up our tents right by the shore. Sevan is a perfect place for fishing and swimming, especially if I am with my close friends. It’s a perfect escape from the everyday hustle, a chance to reconnect with nature and each other.

The call of the wild doesn’t end there. Dilijan National Park, with its dense forests and serene trails, is next on my agenda. The city I live in is near Dilijan and I have been there a lot, but never near extreme places. I’ve always loved hiking, and this summer, I’m determined to conquer some of the park’s most challenging paths. Each step will be a testament to my perseverance and a celebration of Armenia’s lush landscapes. The sense of accomplishment at the end of a long hike, combined with the breathtaking views, will be worth every ounce of effort. But I also know where I will end my little trip. There is a little library café called Qarahoonj. I love that place as it is made of wood and looks very comfortable and cozy.

Giving back to the community is also a key part of my summer plans. I’ve signed up to volunteer at a local animal shelter, a place where abandoned and stray animals find care and compassion. I’ll be spending time walking dogs, playing with cats, and helping to keep the shelter clean and welcoming. There’s something incredibly fulfilling about seeing the joy in an animal’s eyes, knowing that you’ve made a difference in their life. Additionally, I’m organizing a community clean-up event to tackle litter in our local parks and hiking trails. It’s my way of contributing to the preservation of Armenia’s natural beauty and inspiring others to take action. I did an externship this year about the water reservoir pollution. During the research, I understood how much it needs to be cleaned. I hope I will be able to make a change.

This summer isn’t just a break from school; it’s a season of opportunity, growth, and connection. I’m ready to embrace each day with enthusiasm, to learn new things, to explore new places, and to strengthen the bonds with the people I care about. By the time autumn rolls around, I hope to look back on these months with a sense of achievement and a heart full of unforgettable memories.

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