My Unexpected Journey through My Tribulations and Qualms of School By An Truong

By An Truong on May 11, 2024

Throughout my high school career, I had many challenges, especially at the beginning of the year which was 2020, when things were still a little confusion for me while I was dealing with “Zoom”. From this first qualm, I found out that I was not a good multi-tasker. I tried having multiple screens going on at once when doing school work and having the teacher on a different screen staring at me blankly, to be as efficient as possible, but it just made me go slower and unfocused on what was actually important. I learned that if I planned out my work schedule and did one thing at a time, I could better get assignments done because I was putting all my effort into finishing what was in front of me at the moment.
After I got used to dealing with all my daily work, I had to get used to actually learning the material so I could be successful on quizzes and test. The best thing that worked for me was to brain-dump everything I had learned throughout whatever unit I was learning. Whenever I had free time in school, I would go to the nearest whiteboard and brain dump everything I had known to anyone who was watching. I looked like a madman drawing everything I had known from the Krebbs Cycle the kinematics of a ball being thrown in the air.
As I kept going through high school, I had though I had everything figured out, but when my junior year hit, I had one last thing to deal with. The sheer number of stressful classes I was taking. It was easy dealing with one AP Class when I was a sophomore, but Junior year with 5 AP Classes was a different beast to deal with. With this, I had to combine my previously learned techniques for boosting my GPA with more pseudo ones such as listening to varying genres of music from classical, lofi, and even instrumental hip-hop. Additionally, I tried using different psychological methods such as the Pomodoro Method and Active Recalling. Overall, all of these methods did help boost my GPA in some way, but the best secret I have learned to boost my GPA is to just get some more sleep. There have been countless times when I’ve found myself staying up till 1 am studying, and instead of pushing through until I finished, I just dropped everything and went to bed. I’ve found that it’s cleared my head the morning of a big exam and made me more productive in life.

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