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November, 2023 Scholarship Essay

"Introducing AI"

Amber Smith.jpg

by Amber Smith | USA

Before the creation and popularization of Artificial Intelligence in the world of academia, my study habits mostly consisted of using the available textbooks, both physical and digital, class notes provided by the professor or teacher aid, my own written notes, and any video or audio resources provided. These resources would fulfill my needs and my goals for each of my classes to a satisfactory extent. Despite all this effort put forth and use of available resources and aids, there were at times, needs that could not and were not fulfilled with the use available materials and resources. The other downfall to this method of studying was the large time constraint. Notes on all the resources had to be taken, reorganized, and studied. Due to the time constraint, this was a difficult task to complete at times in my academic career. Balancing the load between multiple classes, while trying to maintain both a work and social life, more often that is desired would result in the need to sacrifice sufficient note taking and studying for one class over another.
With the creation and popularization of Artificial Intelligence in the world of academia, these tasks, with the associated challenges have become easier to manage and complete. The use of Artificial Intelligence, in conjunction with my study habits, has made it simpler to take, reorganize, and study notes for each class. With the availability of Artificial Intelligence to research further resources such as videos or online learning assistance, the challenge of having needs that could not be fulfilled with the use of available materials and resources was no longer a major issue. Artificial Intelligence is also able to be used as a way to further study the material explained in a different way than what the professor provided in class.
An example of this that is very common, is in math classes. As the material is presented and examples of how the formulas would be used are given. When going back to the notes to study, at times it can be difficult to fully understand the material. Using Artificial Intelligence to study allows for Artificial Intelligence to create and show the “real world” application of the studied material and how it may apply in my chosen career and area of study. The creation and popularization of Artificial Intelligence in the world of academia has allowed me to now meet my learning goals more efficiently and more thoroughly than before. My understanding of the material and the application has increased with the use of this tool.

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