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What is PHP?
PHP is a general-purpose scripting language widely used in web development and embedded in HTML for server-side execution. PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page. PHP is widely used to create dynamic web pages by combining Java and Perl languages and syntax from C. It is used to extract data from a database and present it on a web page using a web browser.
PHP generates dynamic page content and it can create, write, delete, and close the file on the server. It is also used to send and receive cookies on a web page. PHP is known for its speed and flexibility.
Important PHP Concepts that you need to learn include:
- Class
- Objects
- Inheritance
- Interface
- Abstraction
PHP is a great starting point for first-time coders. It’s also essential to know the useful features of PHP if you are looking to get into WordPress development.
What are the Benefits of Learning PHP?
PHP is an open-source language that is easy to learn and easy to use with proper guidance. Most beginners can create a web page with a single PHP file in a short period. Here are some benefits of learning PHP:
- Web development: PHP is widely used for web development, and it is a choice for many popular websites like Facebook and Wikipedia. You will be able to build dynamic and interactive web applications.
- Career opportunities: It is in high demand, and there is a growing need for professionals with PHP skills across various industries. You can improve your job prospects and increase your earning potential in fields such as software development, web development, and more.
- Open-source: PHP is an open-source language, which means that it is free to use and has a large community of developers who share their code, tools, and knowledge. You can collaborate with other PHP programmers on projects, and get support and advice when needed.
- Flexibility: It is a flexible language that can be used for various applications, including web development, command-line scripting, and more. You will develop skills that are useful in various contexts and applications.
- Easy to learn: PHP has a simple and easy-to-learn syntax, which makes it a great language for beginners who are new to programming. By learning PHP, you can develop skills in programming that are easy to understand and maintain.
How can you Benefit from a Wiingy Online PHP Tutor?
Our online PHP tutors can be beneficial in the following ways :
Personalized attention: With an online PHP tutor, you get personalized attention and can work at your own pace. You can ask questions and get 1:1 help with difficult concepts.
Convenient learning: You can learn from the comfort of your own home or anywhere you have an internet connection. This saves time and money that you would spend on transportation.
Access to resources: Wiingy online PHP tutors can provide you with additional resources, such as practice problems, videos, and study guides. These resources can help you reinforce your learning and prepare for exams.
Improved grades: With the help of an online tutor, you can improve your grades in PHP. A tutor can help you identify areas of weakness and provide you with targeted support to improve your understanding and performance.
Complete your homework: Take online PHP lessons and complete your homework with Wiingy online tutors. This will be highly useful whether you’re a high-school student or pursuing a master’s degree.
Our certified PHP tutors will help you become proficient in PHP so that you can become a better backend developer, and eventually a full-stack web developer.
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Average lesson cost: | $28/hr |
Free trial offered: | Yes |
Tutors available: | 878+ |
Average tutor rating: | 4.8/5 |
Lesson format: | One-on-One Online |