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Struggling with a subject or a topic? Whether it’s Math Computer Science or Biology, we’ve got you covered.


Preparing for a test? We have expert tutors for SAT, ACT, OCT, and NAPLAN to help you crack the exams.

Homework Help:

Is school too fast? Our tutors provide you with step-by-step explanations to help you catch up with your class.


Deadline around the corner? Bring in a private tutor to help you with the toughest of assignments.

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Expert Verified tutors.

350+ Subjects

| 4500+ verified tutors


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Wiingy?

Wiingy is an online education platform that offers 1:1 online tutoring for Math, Coding, Science, Computer science, and 50+ STEM subjects. We provide tutoring for school students, university students as well as adults. Our experienced, qualified, and verified tutors can help you with conceptual understanding, test prep, homework help, assignment reviews, writing support, and any other academic help that you need need. You can find the right tutor for your needs by scheduling a free trial lesson with us on our app or website.

What are the benefits of using Wiingy?

Here are some benefits of using Wiingy for your learning requirements: Personalized Learning: Get tailored tutoring sessions aligned with your specific needs, learning style, and academic goals. Qualified Tutors: Learn from highly qualified tutors who are experts in their respective subjects. Flexibility and Convenience: Schedule tutoring sessions at your preferred time and location through our online platform Wide Range of Subjects: Access tutoring services across various subjects, including math, science, coding, languages, and test preparation. One-on-One Attention: Receive individualized attention and personalized instruction to maximize learning outcomes. Progress Tracking and Feedback: Monitor your progress, receive feedback, and make necessary adjustments to improve your performance. Affordable Pricing Options: Choose from flexible pricing options that suit your budget and learning requirements. Perfect Match Guarantee: Benefit from our guarantee of finding the perfect tutor match for your specific needs.

How does the Wiingy app work?

You can use the Wingy app to search for tutors in over 350+ subjects such as coding, math, science, computer science, test prep and language learning. Simply select the subject you want to learn and shortlist the tutors. You can instantly chat with the tutor and set up your free trial lesson. Your free trial lesson is an opportunity for you to meet the tutor and get a feel for the tutoring experience before committing to paid lessons. You can pay for your lessons online through the app and start learning from your tutor. You can sign up for any number of lessons [Yes no subscriptions, no minimum commitments] straight through the app ! Use the app to rate the lessons and top up your lessons when you need more!

Is the Wiingy app free to download?

Yes, the Wiingy app is free to download. Once you have downloaded the app you can schedule a free trial lesson with a tutor of your choice. You are only charged when you sign up for lessons with a Wiingy tutor.

Is the Wiingy app available for both iOS and Android?

Yes, the Wiingy app is available for both iOS and Android devices. You can download it from the App Store for iOS devices and from the Google Play Store for Android devices.

How do I provide feedback or report an issue with the app?

We have a 24/7 customer support team ready to assist you with any app-related titles or concerns. You can use the chat feature in the app to provide feedback or report any issues with the Wiingy tutoring app.

Can I request a specific tutor on the Wiingy app?

While we cannot guarantee the availability of a specific tutor, you can express your preferences during the tutor selection process, and we will do our best to match you with a tutor who fits your requirements.

How do I cancel or reschedule a tutoring session?

To cancel or reschedule the free trial lesson, go to the "My Requests" section within the app. Select the lesson you wish to modify and follow the provided options to cancel or reschedule as needed. Please note any cancellation or rescheduling policies that may apply.

How long are the tutoring sessions on Wiingy?

The duration of tutoring sessions on Wiingy can vary based on your preferences and the tutor's availability. Typically, sessions range from 55 minutes to 1 hour, but longer sessions can be arranged based on mutual agreement.

Can I change the tutor if I do not like their teaching style

We're confident that you'll connect with a tutor who's the perfect match for your needs, but if you feel that the tutor is not as per your expectations, your first hour with a new tutor is protected by Wiingy's Perfect Match Guarantee. This means that if you feel that your new tutor is not a good fit for your tutoring needs after your first lesson, you can ask Wiingy for a change of tutor. We will not charge you for this first lesson and find a suitable replacement tutor. The first lesson offered by any new tutor (even your replacement tutor) is covered under the Perfect Match Guarantee program. You can ask for a replacement tutor simply by connecting with your student success advisor or writing to us at advisors@wiingy.com. For details refer to the Perfect Match Guarantee program page

Will I get a refund if I don't like the lesson

You are eligible for a full refund if your lessons have not yet started and you notify us within 10 days of purchase of lessons. Refund is not applicable once the lessons have started or 10 days have passed since the purchase date. You are requested to notify us at advisors@wiingy.com if you are seeking a refund. For details refer to the Perfect Match Guarantee program page